Tips for Cleaning Security Screen Doors Effectively

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The Glorious World of Glass

We started this blog because we believe that no enough people understand how wonderful it can be to incorporate glass into their home. When I had this realisation, I decided to take action by starting this blog. For the past year, I have spent my evenings researching the best way to use glass around my home. I have crafted a number of articles which will provide you with information about glass windows, doors, sky lights, and much more. I learnt a great deal by chatting with glass contractors has they installed windows and things in my home. I hope you love my blog.


Tips for Cleaning Security Screen Doors Effectively

23 December 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Cleanliness in your home should be of the utmost importance. However, most people focus on keeping the floor, windows, and other parts of the house clean and forget about the security screens. Screen doors accumulate a lot of dirt, especially in between the tiny mesh holes. This not only makes the house appear unkempt but also reduces the lifespan of the screen.

For this reason, your security door must be cleaned regularly to get quality air flow and value on your investment. The process is easy, and it will not take up a lot of time. Here are some tips you can consider.

Steps for cleaning a screen door

When was the last time you cleaned your door? Well, if it has been a while, be sure to start by removing the loose dirt, dust and grit using a soft brush. A handheld vacuum could also be used to remove the dirt.

Fill a bucket with warm water and add some all-purpose cleaner. Dip a soft cloth into the bucket that contains soapy water and start wiping the door. Do not use a lot of strength when scrubbing the screen, as this can bend the mesh. Keep rinsing the cloth to avoid rubbing grit on other parts of the door.

Once you are done, take another clean cloth and dip it in a bucket of clean water to rinse the door. Alternatively, you can simply pour clean water on the door. Wipe the screen with a clean and dry cloth. Remember not to let a lot of water into the locking system.

When should you clean the door?

The answer to this question may vary depending on where you live. If your climate conditions cause lots of grime, dirt and pollutants to accumulate on the screen quickly, then you will need to wash the door more regularly. Homeowners who live close to the beach will need to clean their doors more often than those who live in rural areas.

The type of dirt the door traps will also vary from one place to another and will have a different impact on the door. If you live in a harsh environment, such as near a factory, by the ocean or  in a tropical environment, your door must be cleaned each month or sooner to preserve its integrity for longer. A company that manufactures security screens can offer reliable information on the necessary maintenance, so do not hesitate to ask for advice.