Four Ways a Magnetic Glass Whiteboard Can Improve Creativity in Your Organisation

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The Glorious World of Glass

We started this blog because we believe that no enough people understand how wonderful it can be to incorporate glass into their home. When I had this realisation, I decided to take action by starting this blog. For the past year, I have spent my evenings researching the best way to use glass around my home. I have crafted a number of articles which will provide you with information about glass windows, doors, sky lights, and much more. I learnt a great deal by chatting with glass contractors has they installed windows and things in my home. I hope you love my blog.


Four Ways a Magnetic Glass Whiteboard Can Improve Creativity in Your Organisation

30 December 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Magnetic glass whiteboards differ from ordinary whiteboards in that they allow users to attach papers to the board using strong magnets. This dual functionality can greatly enhance creativity in your organisation, far more so than traditional whiteboards and pinboards.

Benefits of Magnetic Whiteboards

Firstly, you will benefit simply from combining written notes with physical objects. Some people work better with abstract concepts and others with objects they can see and feel. By incorporating photos, receipts, lists or other items into a scatter diagram by using the magnets, you are making them more visually appealing and therefore easier to understand and more memorable. You will be appealing to both sides of the human brain and getting the best out of your team.

Secondly, the pinned items themselves may spark off ideas when they become part of your brainstorming session. Writing a name on the board may be nothing more than allocating a task, but if you put up a photo of the person concerned, everyone will be more aware of that person's strengths and skills and may think of other ways in which they could be helpful to the project. The same is true of pictures of locations or products — a more concrete representation of them will remind everyone of their other attributes, which will spark more ideas.

Thirdly, these items can easily be moved around the board. Rather than physically wiping off words or names and writing them in elsewhere, pictures can be moved around without any fear of forgetting anything and allow you to see the new overall picture viewed afresh. You might find, for example, that by moving photos of team members, you can find new ways of allocating tasks that better accord with their expertise and experience,

Finally, there is no end to the kinds of things that can be pinned to the board and therefore incorporated into the notes that are written on with the markers. You could use photos, receipts, lists, reports, news clippings, press releases, notes from previous meetings and any other kind of document that is relevant. Instead of representing them with keywords, they will be available within the notes of the discussion for anyone to consult.

It is the interaction of the functions of the whiteboard and pinboard that make a magnetic glass whiteboard so much more powerful a tool for creativity than either board alone. Once you get one for your office, you will never look back.