Possible Types of Window Glass Used in Commercial Premises

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The Glorious World of Glass

We started this blog because we believe that no enough people understand how wonderful it can be to incorporate glass into their home. When I had this realisation, I decided to take action by starting this blog. For the past year, I have spent my evenings researching the best way to use glass around my home. I have crafted a number of articles which will provide you with information about glass windows, doors, sky lights, and much more. I learnt a great deal by chatting with glass contractors has they installed windows and things in my home. I hope you love my blog.


Possible Types of Window Glass Used in Commercial Premises

21 May 2021
 Categories: , Blog

You might be installing new glass windows in your shop front or your office. Alternatively, your business may be a medical or dental practice operating in a converted residential house, and you need to replace the window panes. Different kinds of glass are used on commercial properties. To gain an understanding of some possibilities, consider the following outline.

Toughened Glass

Standard float glass in residential home windows can form into sharp pointy shards when it breaks, which can cause injuries. Thus, businesses use various forms of safety glass that are specified by building codes. One possibility is toughened glass, created by a tempering process whereby a glass sheet is heated to extreme temperatures and rapidly cooled. This process renders toughened glass stronger than standard float glass, so it's unlikely to break. Furthermore, if the toughened pane does crack, it crumbles into rounded cubes that is unlikely to injure your customers, clients and employees. 

Laminated Glass

Another safety option is laminated glass, which consists of two glass sheets fused to a plastic interlayer. This glazing sandwich is more robust than a single pane on its own. Additionally, the plastic film in the middle holds the glass together should it crack so that no bystanders will be injured by flying glass. Laminated windows provide better security than toughened glass, as a barrier will remain in place for your business until you get the window replaced. It won't disperse to the ground like a tempered glass window, leaving an open entryway for trespassers. For example, laminated glass will help secure your shop should burglars unsuccessfully attempt to smash the window.

Laminated glass is a versatile product, as you can combine different glass types and interlayers within the sandwich. For example, you could insert toughened glass, thus forming a window that is ultra-strong and secure as well. Additionally, various interlayers can achieve different effects, such as blocking solar heat or noise. Therefore, if your office or shop features expansive windows that allow the baking sun to enter, you'll be able to cool the premises with efficient glazing options such as low-E or tinted glass inserted into a laminated glass sandwich. Or you may wish to muffle a traffic roar if you're in a busy area.

Frosted Glass

Another option for commercial glass windows is frosted glass, which will create privacy for your business. For example, if you have a waiting room with a large window that faces a street, frosted glass will make the space more secluded. You can choose between different levels of transparency and various designs that feature frosting in selected parts of the window. For instance, the lower part of the window may be frosted, while the top portion, which is too high for passersby to see through, is transparent for free light flow.

To learn more about commercial glass window options, contact a local glass installer or supplier.